I wasn't sure I would ever be a blog writer. My friends that have them are witty, verbose and excellent story tellers. Me, I am more of a rambler. I am taking my friend Daynas' advice and embarking on this blog adventure to document the up's and down's of my (our) life. Be kind and patient as you read this...it is not all fun and pretty...sometimes I will get ugly, maybe even sad. I promise you that it will not be an account of fifty shades of this or twilight vampire this. So here it goes.
Once upon a time there was a girl looking for her frog prince...
After many frogs hopped to another lily pad...she met one that was willing to walk along with her...case in point~
They lived happily ever after!
WAIT!!! If I was writing this, then we most certainly did not live happily ever after. Now, I know you are thinking, "wow, what a way to sell out your husband." This is not the case. Being a teacher I have always had the attitude that you never stop learning. Ryan and I are a perfect example of this from our friendship, dating and marriage. It also applies to our individual lives with friends, work and family. People say that their relationship or marriage may be special or an exception to so many things...from this I will claim that our's has been anything but NORMAL.
Ryan and I have different backgrounds from each other. I was raised a down-to-earth Midwestern girl with some athletic abilities and a strictly average college transcript. I was however talented at tricking kids into thinking that school is cool. I was pretty much an only child, my "half"-sister(let's try sister), was 13 years my senior and for a long time we had little to compare in our life story. She stayed in Michigan to start her life while I fled to Florida to find a teaching job. I will save you all the hum-drum of that part of my life. It took 8 years in the sunshine state before I met Ryan.
Ryan was raised an Air Force "brat" living in many places, starting over many times. He is the oldest of three...they had each other to get through the transitions of a move. He was always talented in athletics and like me was a "meh" type of student. The kid managed to survive the AF Academy and then went on as a pilot in the AF. Not too shabby. After his 2nd assignment he ran...literally, across me.
This is where we can start...officially. I won't do an instant rewind, play-by-play theatrics. As I blog about things that come to mind, I may add anecdotes of our/my past to supports thoughts or feelings so you can get the picture.
Anyways, see rambling already! Ryan and I dated seriously in between AF trainings, deployments, surgeries...did I mention LIFE? We got engaged a year after meeting and then married 6 months after that. Legally that is. We did have our beautiful wedding after the fact.
This marriage was quickly followed by a tough time in life. Medical issues, career set-backs and plain old change. In March of 2012 we got orders to move to Germany. Yes, the Country in Europe. We both wanted this big move and figured it was the best time in our life to do it. Let me rephrase...I REALLY wanted this move. Ryan was supportive and open to anywhere because I was so OK with going anywhere. These were words and thoughts that would bite me in the butt for many months after the fact.
Moving to Germany was a lot like when I moved to Florida. I didn't know anyone, didn't know my way around and was starting fresh if you will. There is a kicker here though...the language barrier. The move in itself was pretty easy thanks to great moving companies and help from friends/family. But, what was to come set me back. A lot. I have always been such an independent person. I am proud of it and so is Ryan. I had a career that I was good at, I knew my way around Florida better then most natives, had friends all over and knew of the best places to eat. Now I was moving to a foreign country for my first military move, giving up my career at a school I LOVED (which was also family), saying goodbye to my family for the unforeseeable future and relying on my husband. ICK!
This was a lot to swallow. So many life changing events to happen in such a short amount of time finally caught up to me. Not to mention all the small changes I hadn't even thought about. These small speed-bumps collected and built on each other to the point where they actually hurt. New German cell #'s (totally confusing), German Voicemail to set-up (now FB friends with my cell phone sales girl Nicole), German housing, shopping and navigating the roads!!!! All of these small things added to my big things was too much for me. I found myself feeling lonely, dependent and completely cut-off from a life I had known and felt comfortable with. Talk about a blow! Ryan didn't always see why I was so upset, I mean, after all I wanted this move. Lesson 1 of my Germany move: "Be careful what you wish for!"
I am not some brat complaining about living in Germany. I promise. But until you have walked in the shoes of someone who just did what I did...don't call me names. This was most definitely that hardest time of my life thus far. I now understand what a leash feels like to a dog.
It has now been 5 months that we have been living here and I can say that it is getting easier, maybe even better. But like many things in life, I have my really good days, my really bad days and some that are vanilla flavored. I will spare you the fine details of my adjusting to things here, I am sure that will come up in posts from time-to-time. I have needed to call friends and family, questioning what I was thinking in wanting to do this. It has taken reassurance from Ryan that YES, I can really do this. That I am stronger then I give myself credit for. Ryan laughs (in a nervous ha-ha way)...he says he married one wife with the personalities of 15 women. Poor guy.
This brings me back to the lesson of life learning. Even though the days haven't always bee good here, I have tried to stay humble and open to learning opportunities. It has been a really good time of personal reflection and character improvement. I hope that you find some things here that cause you to reflect or think outside of your norm.
That is enough for today,
Signing off